At the April 12 (3pm) and April 13 (9am) Palm Crosses will be shared at both Worship Services.

April 12: Palm Saturday
•Worship Service at 3:00pm

April 13: Palm Sunday - Sunday of the Passion
•Worship Service at 9:00am

April 17: Maundy Thursday
•Worship Service at 6:30
o Bell Choir will play o Traditional Communion Liturgy o The Stripping of the Altar 

April 18: Good Friday
•Worship Service at 6:30pm
o The full Scripture report of Jesus’ Condemnation, Suffering and Death

April 19 & 20: Easter Weekend - Alleluia!!  He Is Risen!!
•Easter Saturday Worship Service at 3:00pm
•Easter Breakfast  8:30am`
         (Registration for breakfast is appreciated)
Easter Sunday Worship Service at 10:00am