The original St. John church on Squire and Swift Ave (still standing) and one of the original 1908 stained glass windows. The windows were all incorporated into the current church, built in 1952.
1906 - October 7: Founding of Slovenska Evanjelicka Cirkev Augsburgskeho Vierovyznani Svateho Jana Kristitela (Slovak Evengelical Church of the Augsburg Confession of St. John the Baptizer); 18 “Founders” representing the families / individuals.
- Patrick Cudahy provided property for the Church at the corner of Squire and Swift Ave.
1908 - February 2: Church structure dedicated. ($9,000)
1911 - Rev. Andrew Olsavsky installed as Pastor to serve St. John & Pentecost, Racine. (October 13)
- Slovak Sunday School begun.
1912 - Parsonage built. ($2,800)
1914 - Rev. Thomas Bakalar installed as Pastor. (1919)
1919 - Rev. John M. Ondov installed as Pastor. (1931)
- First Choir organized.
1924 - (Slovak) Ladies Aid Society formed.
1927 - Pipe Organ dedicated.
- Senior & Junior Young People’s Societies become charter members of the Slovak Luther League.
1932 - Rev. Stephen G. Mazak, Sr. installed as Pastor. (1969)
1940 - Dorcas Society founded as the English-speaking women’s group.
1945 - Purchased 6-acre site on Lake Drive and Munkwitz Ave. ($6,000)
1946 - English Sunday School begun.
1952 - November 27, Thanksgiving Day: Dedication of new Church facility. ($200,000) Groundbreaking: April 8, 1951)
- Altar Guild and Ushers Guild founded.
1954 - Parsonage built. ($27,000)
1955 - St. John establishes mission congregation: Cross of Christ Lutheran Church, Barland Ave.
1956 - Stephen Mazak, Jr., Vicar
1957 - Richard Mazak, Vicar
1958 - Kenneth Ballas, Vicar, working with Cross of Christ.
1963 - Gerald Kovac, Vicar, working with Cross of Christ.
1964 - October 4: Dedication of Education building. ($300,000)
1968 - Coffee Koinonia established to facilitate fellowship
- Donald Hayas, Vicar
1969 - Rev. Andrew D. Brondos installed as Pastor. (1978)
1970 - St. John Day Care & Child Development Center opened (Kay Miller, Director 1974)
1973 - St. John women join (LCMS) Lutheran Women’s Missionary League to promote mission education and involvement.
1974 - Wilma Bodin, St. John Day Care Director (1988)
1978 - Rev. Stark, Pastor of Cross of Christ, serves as Vacancy Pastor.
1979 - Douglas Hasner, Lay Minister (1980)
- Rev. Carl H. Krueger, Jr. installed as Pastor.
1981 - Bradford Scott, Vicar
1982 - Karl Wardell, Vicar
1983 - James Freeman, Lay Minister (1990)
1984 - Pastor Krueger becomes Air National Guard Chaplain for 128th Air Refueling Wing.
1988 - Carol Benko, St. John Day Care Director (1989)
1989 - Wilma Bodin, St. John Day Care Director (1990) came back to assist while in search of a new director.
1990 - Karen Erickson, St. John Day Care Director.
1991 - Richard Schauer installed as Assistant Pastor (2002)
1992 - Purchase of Cross of Christ’s Parsonage, along with acquisition of Cross of Christ building, rent free for 5 years, renamed: The Life Enrichment Center.
1993 - Parish Nurse Program begun in cooperation with Aurora Health Care.
- Sue Schaus, Parish Nurse
1997 - Rev. Krueger elected as President of the SELC District at the District Convention hosted by St. John. SELC District supplies Vicar to the Congregation of the District President.
1998 - Donal Widger, Vicar
1999 - Paul Biber, Vicar
- March 14: Dedication of $1.5 Million building renovation, handicapped accessibility.
2000 - Theodore Groth, Vicar
- Marcia Isherwood, Parish Nurse
- Stephen Ministry established as spiritual support of members in crisis.
- October 31: Church Steeple fire.
2001 - Rodger Williams, Vicar
2002 - Jon Bender, Vicar
2003 - Joshua Hollmann, Vicar
2004 - Matthew Gehrke, Vicar
- Rev. Jon M. Bender installed as Assistant Pastor.
- Rev. Krueger retires from WI ANG. (Chaplain, Lt. Col.)
2008 - Fire in the original St. John Church (now St. Nikola Serbian Orthodox) on 3802 E. Squire Ave. Structural damage, repaired.
2004 -09Rev. Jon M. Bender, Assistant Pastor
2005 -06Vicar Joel Giese
2006-07 Vicar Kyle Schwan
2007-08 Vicar John Merrill
2008-09 Vicar Benjamin Kaiser
2009-11 Rev. Jon M. Bender, Senior Pastor
2011-12 Rev. Dr. Carl H. Krueger, Jr., Administrative Vacancy Pastor Rev. Dr. Kevin Bergmann, Visitation Vacancy Pastor
2012-21 Rev. Matthew W. Vesey, Senior Pastor
2021-22 Rev. Dr. Carl H Krueger, Jr. Administrative Vacancy Pastor
2023 - Rev. Phillip DeVries, Pastor